A full moon rises gently over the Siskiyou Mountains of Southern Oregon near Ashland. I made this picture from our porch after accidently locking myself out of the house. I'm glad I had the little point and shoot digital to keep me distracted from thinking about how to get back inside.
In many ways, this picture points out the limitations of the camera. The larger the magnification, the noisier the image gets. At the same time, I do like the flexibility and creativity of using o the smaller digital cameras, not to mention how I can't afford anything else at the moment. I like that I can see something, make an image, and then immediately see the results.
In this scene, I burned down the sky and the foreground. I wanted the moon to pop a bit more. It could still use a little more work, but it's still fun to play.
Valentine's Day in the Darkroom
I noticed the darkroom door to the photo lab at Southern Oregon University has become a little worn thin from use. Thinking of Valentine's Day, I had been looking at things that reminded me of the shape of a heart. This one jumped out at me.
One thing that I recognize now in my photography is that I no longer feel the pressure to create images I once had while working at newspapers.
These days, I make simple images just because they appeal to me for one reason or another. More than anything else, though, making pictures is relaxing and fun.