Click here or on the image to link to the slideshow.
This is an example of a mixed-media project using audio from an interview with Terry Longshore, the director of Southern Oregon University's Marimba Ensemble. After resizing and editing my images I used an easy-to-work-with software call "Live Show" to make a Quicktime movie with the still. I then attached an audio file to my Live Show presentation that I mixed in Audacity, a sound editing program that is available for free on the Internet.
I have been trying to understand if the differences between personal media and public journalism. Much of what is produced as public journalism seems to be a form of personal media.
Using the resources of Our Media, a collective of independent creative types, I believe that in this age of digital media, the lines between personal and public are being completely redrawn.
Our Media is an open-source project run by volunteer that hosts grassroots video, audio, music, photos, text and public domain works for free. In other words, Our Media is a community where people can come together to share and discuss personal media.
I view Our Media as a space for archiving various forms of media such as podcasts and movies I make so that I can share them on my blog and elsewhere.
Visual storytelling is enriched tremendously with the addition of audio. I find that the two format coexist beautifully on the Internet.
The potential of mixing format -- still, text, audio, and moving images is extremely powerful. The best part of this sort of storytelling is that it is relatively easy to accomplish.